Smt. K. Rukmini Oration Award, 2020 of the Scientific and Academic Forum , Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (SBV) , Pondicherry.
Dr SC Dutt memoial lecture
Dr S C Dutt Memorial Oration Award, 1999 of the Indian Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (Central Chapter)
Dr S R Rao Memorial Oration Award, 2003 of the Bombay Veterinary College Alumni Association.
BPKIHS International Oration Award, 1997 of the B P Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, Nepal.
IATP Silchar oration
Prof J .Mahanta Award, 2018 of the Indian Academy of Tropical Parasitology (North-Eastern Chapter)
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IATP Presidential Orations
IATP Presidential Orations
23-Sep-22Deep tech innovation for parasitic management: New dimensions and opportunitiesTROPACON 2022, The XV Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Tropical ParasitologyPGIMER, Chandigarh.
10-Dec-21Climate adaptation impacting parasitic infectionsTROPACON 2021, The XV Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Tropical ParasitologyPGIMER, Chandigarh
28-Dec-20Molecular diagnosis of parasitic infections in the post-Covid 19eraTROPACON 2020, The XIV Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Tropical ParasitologyACS Medical College & Hospital, Chennai, Tamilnadu
9/7/2019 0:00Artificial intelligence in parasitologyTROPACON 2019, The XIII Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Tropical Parasitology Kasturba Gandhi Medical College, Manipal, Karnataka
9/7/2018 0:00Blastocystisspp: Pathogen or commensalTROPACON 2018, The XII Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Tropical Parasitology Institute of Medical Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, UP
9/7/2017 0:00Life style , food habits and neurocysticercosisTROPOCON 2017, The XI Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Tropical ParasitologySikkim Manipal University, Gangtok, Sikkim
9/6/2016 0:00Genomics in amoebiasisTROPACON 2016, The X Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Tropical ParasitologyJawaharlal Nehru Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research, Pondicherry
9/25/2015 0:00Strategy for laboratory diagnosis of food borne parasitic infectionsTROPACON 2015, The IX Annual Conference of Indian Association Tropical ParasitologyInstitute of Microbiology. Madurai Medical College, Madurai, Tamilnadu.
11/21/2014 0:00Diagnostics for parasitic diseases in the developing world: Challenges and constraintTROPACON 2014, The VIII Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Tropical ParasitologyRegional Medical Research Centre, Dibrugarh, Assam
9/8/2013 0:00New technology, new perspectives and new approaches for diagnosis of parasitic diseases in 21st centauryTROPACON 2013, The VII Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Tropical ParasitologySanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow , UP.
10/13/2012 0:00Neglected parasitic infections in India: who cares?TROPACON 2012 , The VI Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Tropical ParasitologySri Aurobindo Medical College & Post Graduate Institute (SAIMS) Campus, Indore.MP
11/12/2011 0:00Research in parasitic diseases in IndiaTROPACON 2011, The V Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Tropical ParasitologyDepartment of Microbiology, Govt Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra
10/30/2010 0:00Research in parasitology: Past, present and futureTROPACON 2010, The IV Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Tropical ParasitologyKalinga Institute of Medical science, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
November 16, 2009.Progress in research on diagnosis and vaccines in amoebiasisTROPACON 2009, The III Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Tropical ParasitologyPost Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research,Chandigarh
October 30, 2008.Recent advances in the diagnosis of parasitic infectionsTROPACON 2008, The II Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Tropical ParasitologyAll India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
October 6, 2007.Recent trends in diagnosis of amoebiasisTROPACON 2007, The I Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Tropical ParasitologyMadras Medical College, Chennai , Tamilnadu