Textbook of Fungal Zoonoses and Sapronoses
Editors : Subhash Chandra Parija, Shivaprakash M. Rudramurthy
Publisher : Springer Nature Singapore
Pages : XXIII, 350
Edition : 1
Year : 2024
ISBN 978-981-97-3213-5, 978-981-97-3216-6, 978-981-97-3214-2

This textbook, which is the second volume of the book series-Microbial Zoonoses, provides a comprehensive overview of the epidemiology, clinical features, diagnosis, and management of fungal zoonoses and sapronoses of public importance. The book is divided into two volumes; the chapters in the first volume deals with the general introduction, taxonomy and genomic analysis, classification of fungus, pathogenesis and immunology of fungal infections. The subsequent chapters in this section provide an overview of the epidemiology, diagnosis, antifungal agents available for treatment, management, and prevention of fungal zoonoses and sapronoses. It also classifies anti-fungal agents and discusses the mechanism of resistance to these agents. Lastly, it presents the challenges in the treatment of the fungal diseases. The second section discusses important fungal infections and disease causing fungal agents. It also provides information on the pathogenesis, pathology, immunology and clinical manifestations. Cutting across the disciplines, this book act as a guide to the undergraduate and post graduate students of medicine, veterinary and allied sciences who deals with fungal infections.
Text book of Microbiology and Immunology
Editors : Subhash Chandra Parija
Publisher : Springer Nature Singapore
Pages : 1111
Edition : 4
Year : 2023
ISBN 978-981-19-3314-1, 978-981-19-3315-8, 978-981-19-3317-2

The fourth edition of “Textbook of Microbiology and Immunology” is an extensively revised edition , a healthy mixture of the old and the new contents. Many of the old traditional chapters have been retained with addition of new information along with the inclusion of new chapters more in line with the on-going changes in the syllabus and concepts in Medical Microbiology .While doing so, this book has blended the traditional organism-based learning and a syndrome based approach to infectious disease, together with the introduction of new and modified chapters incorporating the latest information in this field.
The book provides an extensive coverage of fundamental topics in general and medical microbiology. The book also lays due emphasis on clinical microbiology with special focus on syndrome based approach to infectious diseases. It includes the basic concepts of microbiology as well as the recent updates and developments in the field of medical microbiology. All the topics have been incorporated in seven major sections: General microbiology, Immunology, Bacteriology, Virology, Mycology, and Applied and Clinical Microbiology.
The dynamic nature of medical sciences with new guidelines and new diagnostic methods coming into the arena necessitates the incorporation of new information in each new edition of a book. This facet has been addressed with the inclusion of recent information on the various aspects of microbiology, infectious diseases and immunology, in the fourth edition of the Textbook of Microbiology and Immunology ,which makes it one of the most authoritative and informative textbooks in medical microbiology.
The book is an effort to inform and engage a wide spectrum of readers including medical students , both undergraduates and postgraduates, and residents, and faculty. It aims to be a must-have companion book for graduate and advanced undergraduate as well as postgraduate students of medical microbiology, general and allied microbiology, and of immunology.
Grant writing for health and medical professionals
Editors : Subhash Chandra Parija, Vikram Kate
Publisher : Springer Nature Singapore
Pages : 247
Edition : 1
Year : 2023
ISBN 9789811970177, 9811970173

Conducting research requires resources to meet the research need. The resources in the research institutes/ centers are often inadequate, limiting the research outcome. Research grants help overcome those limitations and help the researchers carry out quality research without any restriction. Grant proposal writing is an essential skill to be mastered by every researcher. However, the majority of the medical schools, except the few research institutes, do not have a structured learning module for obtaining grants. On most occasions, the skill of writing grant proposals goes by self-learning. For students, it is burdening due to the tremendous time consumed to learn the craft of writing the grant proposal and the exhausting clinical and academic work.
This book is carefully prepared to keep in mind the difficulties faced by the young researchers and the students concerning choosing a funding agency, grant makers’ expectations, budgeting, surveillance and site visits, rights of the researcher and the funding agency, and ethical and legal aspects of obtaining the grant. The book also covers the alternate plan for partial funding or interruption of the financing, reporting the source of funding and acknowledgment, good clinical practice guidelines, and dealing with the rejected grant proposal. The research projects are often dropped or modified extensively due to the limited resources in the existing facility. The researchers are forced to compromise the research objective due to expensive requirements. There is a shortage of awareness regarding the availability of funding and grant for the conduct of research. Even if the researchers are aware of obtaining the financing, there is a lack of training in grant proposal writing, which is essential in getting the research funding.
This book on grant proposal writing for medical and healthcare professionals covers such difficulties and deficiencies. It will provide complete companionship from knowing the funding agency to obtaining the grant.
Textbook of Parasitic Zoonoses
Editors : Subhash Chandra Parija and Abhijit Chaudhury
Publisher : Springer Nature Singapore
Pages : 655
Edition : 1
Year : 2022
ISBN 9789811672040, 9811672040

This textbook, which is the first volume in the series Microbial Zoonoses, provides a comprehensive overview of the diagnosis, treatment and control of zoonotic parasitic diseases. The book is divided into two sections; the first section discusses the classification of parasitic zoonoses and includes general information on the diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology, prevention, and control of parasitic zoonoses. It also describes the biological features of these organisms, host-parasite interactions, and the disease spectrum, as well as the importance of public health control measures, such as surveillance, and prophylactic measures in controlling these diseases.The second section explores the important zoonotic diseases caused by ectoparasites, protozoan and helminths parasites. It also reviews the life cycle, pathogenesis, pathology, immunology and clinical manifestations, modern diagnostic methods, treatment regimen, prevention, control, and epidemiology of these parasites.Cutting across the disciplines, this book serves as a guide to postgraduate students, faculty members, public health experts, and medical administrators who are interested in the management of these parasitic zoonotic infections.
Effective Medical Communication. The A, B, C, D, E of it
Editors : Subhash Chandra Parija and Adkoli B.V
Publisher : Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
Pages : XXVI, 266
Edition : 1
Year : 2020
ISBN 978-981-15-3409-6

Effective communication is at the heart of medical profession, whether it is patient-doctor communication, interpersonal communication, or communication with the scientific and research community. However, medical professionals are not adequately trained in these skills, and when it comes to presentations, the message is often lost due to inadequate preparation, ineffective slides, and a generally unconvincing performance by the presenter. This book addresses all aspects of the communication skills required by individuals entering medical school as well as professionals farther up the career ladder. Each chapter offers a quote or a statement that captures the essence of the text. Adopting a unique approach known an A, B, C, D and E (Assess Need, Brief, Contextualize, Describe and Evaluate) the book includes abundant illustrations, real-world case scenarios, anecdotes, tables, graphs and cartoons, as well as practical information, and tips on communicating effectively. As such it is a valuable resource for new and experienced clinicians, educators and researchers wanting to improve their communications skills.
Textbook of Practical Microbiology
Author : Subhash Chandra Parija.
Publisher : Ahuja Publishing House, New Delhi.
Edition : 2nd
Year : 2019
Pages : 119

The second edition of Textbook of practical Microbiology provides fully updated practical aspects of medical Microbiology with clear-cut explanations. The book describes in detail including interpretations of results of routine diagnostic methods performed in Microbiology laboratory. Each chapter is illustrated with plenty of diagrams and photomicrographs. Practical experiments are highlighted; viva questions and answers are provided. This book is designed for students of medical and allied sciences to understand principles of various practical exercises carried out in the field of Microbiology and apply the same knowledge in clinical medicine
Thesis Writing for Master's and Ph.D. Program
Editors : Subhash Chandra Parija and Vikram Kate
Publisher : Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.2018.
Pages : 317
Edition : 1
Year : 2018
ISBN 978-981-13-0890-1

This book on Thesis Writing for Master’s and Ph.D. program focuses on the difficulties students encounter with regard to choosing a guide; selecting an appropriate research title considering the available resources; conducting research; and ways to overcome the hardships they face while researching, writing and preparing their dissertation for submission.
Thesis writing is an essential skill that medical and other postgraduates are expected to learn during their academic career as a mandatory partial requirement in order to receive the Master’s degree. However, at the majority of medical schools, writing a thesis is largely based on self-learning, which adds to the burden on students due to the tremendous amount of time spent learning the writing skills in addition to their exhausting clinical and academic work. Due to the difficulties faced during the early grooming years and lack of adequate guidance, acquiring writing skills continues to be a daunting task for most students. This book addresses these difficulties and deficiencies and provides comprehensive guidance, from selecting the research title to publishing in a scientific journal.
Improving Discipline-Based Undergraduate Medical Curriculum: An Evidence Informed Approach
Authors : D.Kadambari, S.Kumar, Z.Zayapragassarazan , S.C.Parija
Publisher : Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd;
Edition : 1
Year : 2018.
Pages : 195
ISBN 978-9811313097

The past few decades have seen the increasing use of evidence in all aspects of healthcare. The concept of evidence-informed healthcare began in the 1990s as evidence-informed practice, and has since become widely accepted. It is also accepted that the training of medical graduates must be informed by evidence obtained from educational research. This book utilizes an evidence-informed approach to improve discipline-based undergraduate medical curricula. Discipline-based undergraduate medical curricula represent a widely adopted choice for undergraduate medical education around the world. However, there have been criticisms leveled against the discipline-based approach. One of the shortcomings cited is that students are insufficiently equipped to meet the challenges of today’s healthcare. As a result, various strategies have been proposed. One option, currently in vogue, is the outcome-based approach, wherein the exit behaviors of medical graduates are explicitly examined and used to guide the educational process. The shortcomings present in discipline-based undergraduate medical curricula can be overcome by the strengths of these strategies. This book recommends improving discipline-based undergraduate medical curricula by combining several strategies, including the adoption of an outcome-based approach and the use of evidence-informed implementable solutions. The book is relevant for all faculty, administrators and policymakers involved in undergraduate medical education, and can also be used as a resource for faculty development.
Practical Microbiology for Medical Undergraduate Students
Author : Subhash Chandra Parija..
Publisher : Ahuja Publishing House, New Delhi.
Edition: 1st
Year : 2018.
Pages : 119.
ISBN-10: 9380316682
ISBN-13: 978-9380316680

Theoretical and practical aspects of microbiology required for MBBS, BDS, Nursing and laboratory Technology students. It is an up to date knowledge of practical aspects of microbiology presented in a concise manner. It is designed for students to understand various practical exercises and apply the same knowledge in clinical medicine. It is illustrated with plenty of diagrams and photo micrographs. Practical experiments are highlighted and viva questions and answers are provided.
Writing and Publishing a Scientific Research Paper
Editors : Subhash Chandra Parija and Vikram Kate.
Publisher : Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
Edition : 1st
Year : 2017
Pages : 195.
ISBN 978-981-10-4719-0.

This book covers all essential aspects of writing scientific research articles, presenting eighteen carefully selected titles that offer essential, and “must-know” content on how to write high-quality articles. The book also addresses other, rarely discussed areas of scientific writing including dealing with rejected manuscripts, the reviewer’s perspective as to what they expect in a scientific article, plagiarism, copyright issues, and ethical standards in publishing scientific papers. Simplicity is the book’s hallmark, and it aims to provide an accessible, comprehensive and essential resource for those seeking guidance on how to publish their research work.The importance of publishing research work cannot be overemphasized. However, a major limitation in publishing work in a scientific journal is the lack of information on or experience with scientific writing and publishing. Young faculty and trainees who are starting their research career are in need of a comprehensive guide that provides all essential components of scientific writing and aids them in getting their research work published
Text Book of Microbiology and Immunology
Author : Subhash Chandra Parija.
Publisher : Elsevier, New Delhi.
Edition : 3rd edition.
Year : 2016
Pages : 653 + xxvi index.
ISBN : 978-81-312-4461-6e-Book
ISBN : 978-81-312-4670-2.

The third edition of the Textbook of Microbiology and Immunology provides fully updated text on the various aspects of microbiology and infectious diseases, which makes it the most authoritative and informative text in medical microbiology. It is a must-have book for preparing MBBS examination as well as the postgraduate entrance tests. It is clear, succinct and comprehensive information on various aspects of microbiology and immunology. Thoroughly revised information with tables and figures for better understanding. This multicolor book designed in attractive student-friendly format with color photographs and illustrations to aid better understanding. It has Case studies at the end of chapters for self-assessment. Special emphasis on emerging and re-emerging pathogens and antimicrobial resistance. It covers recent advances in molecular diagnosis and vaccines. Additional emphasis on clinical microbiology with special focus on syndromic approach to infectious diseases. Online study materials include Key Facts, Study Questions, and Multiple-Choice Questions and PowerPoint presentation of each topic.
Textbook of Medical Parasitology: Protozoology & Helminthology (Text and Color Atlas)
Author : Subhash Chandra Parija
Publisher : AIPD, New Delhi.
Edition: 4th, reprint
Year : 2016.
Pages : 360.
ISBN : 81-8004-043-7

The author has raised the bar to himself in bringing out the 4th edition, a book, which should find appeal among readers not only in India, but also globally. I recommend this book to all medical undergraduates as it will help them in their microbiology exams and also in preparing for post-graduate entrance exams for clinical specialties such as medicine, pediatrics etc., The book would appeal to practitioners of tropical medicine and help them to understand the clinical presentation of parasitic infections, present epidemiology, and laboratory diagnosis in developing and developed countries. With its moderate pricing of Rs. 448, the book is definitely worth every rupee spent. I recommend it for the shelves of every M.D. student of microbiology, pathology, medicine, pediatrics, surgery, and students in infectious diseases, fellowship in tropical diseases and related super-specialties.
Emerging & Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases
Authors : Tarun Kumar Dutta, Subhash Chandra Parija, Jamini Kanta Dutta.
Publisher : Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) LTD, New Delhi.
Edition : 1st
Year : 2012.
Pages : 212
ISBN : 978-93-5025-960-3.

Highlights emerging problems due to HIV infection especially with regard to tuberculosis and other sexually transmitted diseases. Elucidation of diseases like Ebola hemorrhagic fever, Chikungunya, Avian influenza, etc., which have got Global attention. Focuses on the newer problems with common infectious diseases like transplant rabies, bat transmitted rabies,O139 serotype Cholera, dengue shock syndrome. Description of forgotten disorders like yaws, Plague and trench fever which are re-emerging.General section on status of communicable diseases and newer vaccines, bioterrorism, transfusion related infections, Hospital acquired infections and travel related infections.
Quick Review Series: Microbiology
Author : Subhash Chandra Parija
Publisher : Elsevier, New Delhi
Edition : 1st
Year : 2009
Pages : 370
ISBN : 978-312-1971-3

The main aim of Quick Review Series: Microbiology is to provide comprehensive information along with key concepts on Microbiology. The book is meant to be used alongside the parent text (Textbook of Microbiology by Subhash Chandra Parija) and will be useful both as a revision tool and a reference text. It contains important infective syndromes and clinical cases. It has numerous tables for quick recapitulation. It also Contains more than 400 MCQs It is Useful for revising microbiology before tutorials, oral, practical, and written exams It is Light and easy to carry around in lab coat pocket.
Text Book of Microbiology
Author : Subhash Chandra Parija.
Publisher : Elsevier, New Delhi.
Edition : 1st
Pages : 807
ISBN 81-8004-006-2 + xxvi index,

The intent of the book is to provide and up to date information on microbial diseases which are emerging as an important health problem worldwide. This book presents a comprehensive coverage of basic and clinical microbiology including immunology, bacteriology, virology and mycology in a clear and succinctmanner. The text includes Morphological features and identification of each organism along with the pathogenesis of the disease, clinical manifestations, Diagnostic laboratory tests, treatment and prevention and control of resulting infections along with most recent advances in the field. It has accurate presentation of clinically relevant information to the learners of medical microbiology and clinical case studies with question at the end of most chapters. Abundantfigures, photographs and tables in each chapter for recapitulation. This book is a useful source of comprehensive information for students mainly the undergraduate students of medicine, Allied Sciences and all those who are interested in medical microbiology.
Stool Microscopy
Author : Subhash Chandra Parija
Publisher : BPKoirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS), Dharan, Nepal.
Year : 1998.
Pages : 88.

Stool microscopy is a manual which was designed for a workshop on stool microscopy to train health staffs working in rural health centers in Nepal. This workshop was carried out at the department of microbiology, Koirala Institute of Health Sciences Nepal, which had two purposes: first to train Health Care workers in stool microscopy and second to prepare them to improve stool microscopy in their own area. This guide will be useful as important source of information for students as well as teachers of medicine and para-medical courses.
Sputum Microscopy: A Practical Manual
Author : Subhash Chandra Parija, Narayan Kumar & N P Singh.
Publisher : BPKoirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS), Dharan, Nepal.
Pages : 1998

It is an important source of information for training health staff working in rural and different health centres in sputum microscopy primarily for acid-fast bacilli. It was first developed at a workshop in the Department of Microbiology, Koirala Institute of Health Sciences to train health workers in sputum microscopy. The training had two purposes in sputum microscopy primarily for acid-fast bacilli and also the culture of bacteria and other related topics. Second to prepare them to improve sputum microscopy in their own area. Microscopy manual contains all the technical information that will be needed by trainees in their places. This manual will serve as an important source of information. This will help trainees to perform procedures in sputum microscopy and allied procedures and also help understand the rationale for these procedures. Sputum microscopy consists of 12units: tuberculosis, safety measures in tuberculosis, photo of sputum and other samples. The manual deals in staining of acid-fast bacilli and reporting of smears, Auramine phenol fluorochromes training of acid-fast bacilli and reporting, the concentration of sputum and other specimens and culture of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: the culture of sputum and other clinical specimens for mycobacterium tuberculosis and other mycobacteria and safe disposal of sputum and other clinical specimens, examine slides, M.tuberculosis positive and other contaminated materials.
Kala-azar: epidemiology, diagnosis and control in Nepal
Authors : Shekhar Koirala and Subhash Chandra Parija.
Publisher : BPKoirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS), Dharan, Nepal.
Year : 1998
Pages : 58.

The update on Kala-azar; epidemiology, diagnosis and control in Nepal was held on 17th September 1997 the 4th anniversary of Koirala Institute of health sciences. It was an attempt to bring in focus on various aspects of Kala Azar including the present problem of the disease clinical manifestations, immune intervention and epidemiology with particular reference to Nepal. It was also discussed the update was intended to provide a comprehensive review of the problem of Kala Azar and its effective management in Nepal.from India, and BPKIHS; most of the experts in the field participated in this update, the second of the series. This monograph is a compendium of those presented papers.
Immunizing agents for tropics: success, failure and some practical issues
Authors : S Chaturvedi and Subhash Chandra Parija.
Publisher : BPKoirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS), Dharan, Nepal.
Year : 1997.
Pages : 47

Immunizing agents for tropics: success, failure and some practical issues: was published on 1ST September 1996 to Mark the IIIanniversaryof BPKIHS. This update was an attempt to bring in focus issues and developments at the Frontier of immune-prophylaxis taken place during the last two decades and are highly relevant for the tropical world. BPKIHS experts from different disciplines participated in this update. This scientific monograph series of BPKIHS is a compendium of those presented papers.
Review of Parasitic Zoonosis
Author : Subhash Chandra Parija.
Publisher : AITBS, New Delhi (India).
Year : 1990.
Pages : 463.

The parasitic zoonosisis emerging as an important public health problem in the countries worldwide.This book has been written to provide with necessary understanding of the diagnosis, treatment and control of zoonotic parasitic diseases to the undergraduate and postgraduate students of medicine, veterinary and allied Sciences and to others who are interested in the management of parasitic infections.“Review of parasitic zoonosis”, consists of two parts. Part A incorporates section 1 which deals with chapters on General information and nomenclature of parasites and classification of zoonosis host parasite relationship and immunology.It also deals with diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology, prevention and control of parasitic zoonosis. Part B includes section 2, 3 and 4 each one dealing separately with protozoan and helminthic infections and the infections caused by different ectoparasites.Part B also dwells upon important parasitic agents and the zoonotic diseases they cause. Each parasite is classified and its pathogenesis, pathology,immunology and clinical manifestations are listed. Finally the epidemiology is discussed and the necessary information on diagnosis, treatment,prevention and control is provided. Attempt has also been made to describe the life cycle of the parasite, the recent developments in the study of the parasite and the disease. It causes including certain aspects of the prevalence of the parasite in India.All these items are treated separately and they are presented in boxes to highlight their significance.